Saturday, May 4, 2013

4x4x4 LED Display

This may have been done to death at this point, but I decided that I wanted to build my own LED cube.  At the point that I started this process, I really had no idea what I was getting into, as I had almost now experience in programming in C (Outside of an introductory course I had taken almost 18 months before starting this project), I had done very little soldering, and have never done anything with a 16-bit µC.  So I guess I could say that this was a very daunting project when I started.

The first step was to build the cube itself.  After some research, I found someone who had come up with a pretty good idea how to go about building an evenly spaced cube.  Based on this, I bought a board from Lowe's, and drilled some holes in it as such:

Just as an aside, this board has managed to continue on as a bench top for several projects since this project, and may be in the background of several pictures you see in the future. 

More pictures of the project developing:
You can get a good idea of how I connected each of the LED's looking at the above picture.  The next three pictures are the LED cube built and breadboarded.

 After using the breadboard to test out each LED to ensure they worked, I then put it on a perfboard, and tested out my design using a number of switches to go between LEDs.

 Below is the underbelly of the beast!
I have to say, at this point, I wouldn't mind doing a rebuild of this, because I think I could do a significantly better job then before!  But I suppose I could say that for every first time project I have or will have ever tackled.

I posted a video next demonstrating each light being tested:

And as usual, the links to my code & schematic:
Project file
Schematic (You will need Multisim to open this)
A brief, informal write up

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